The information below will help you estimate your delivery costs, but for exact pricing contact your nearest branch.

  • Small - Rental Equipment that will fit in the back of a pickup truck (Examples: Aerator, Tiller, Saw...)
  • Midsize - Rental Equipment that weighs less than 10,000lbs (Examples: Skid Loader, Trencher, Lift...)
  • Large - Rental Equipment over 10,000lbs CDL (Examples: Large excavators, Large Boom Lifts...)

Note: Lowest rate applies. For example a location within 12 miles of the store is also within the Extended Delivery Area, but the Local rate would apply. In addition, the distance is measured from your nearest branch, not necessarily the branch that delivers your equipment.

Local Delivery Area (Red)
20 Mile Radius

Small - $80
Midsize - $125
Large - $200


Standard Delivery Area (Blue)
40 Mile Radius

Small - $120
Midsize - $175
Large - $250


Extended Delivery Area (Green)
60 Mile Radius

Small - $150
Midsize - $200
Large - $300