Harely Rake Soil Cultivator for Loader — Nickell Rental - Tool and Equipment Rental

Tool Rental and Equipment Rental Rates and Info

Harely Rake Soil Cultivator for Loader

Harely Rake Soil Cultivator for Loader


24 Hours: $166
Weekly: $632
Monthly: Call For Quote

*Special pricing for contract and long term rentals.

Special Pricing

Weekend Rates: Only 10% more than the 24hr rate

*Additional charges may apply when not rented with a loader


Prepare the land and lay a good foundation with the soil conditioner attachment. The rotating drum is equipped with carbide-tipped teeth, which rip through clumps and penetrate the soil.

To level and grade a surface, lock the drum for a box blade effect. Or place the drum in the float position to prepare the soil while following the contours of the terrain. The soil conditioner is a versatile, cost-effective attachment no landscaping crew should be without.

Pulverize the soil while leveling and filling in fewer passes with the soil conditioner attachment.

Fits midsize and large skid-steer loaders and midsize and large track loaders